Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Because what I really need is another place to update the internet on my state of being.

But I had a cool idea for a name.

It will probably seem less fantastically awesome at some point, but it fits me right now. I spend my working life seeking steady state and pondering whether such a state actually exists. I think it applies to non-work just as well. Some people are into randomness and chaos, but I find that I would like nothing more than to reach steady state. It's a place of contentment, whether you're a distillation column or a human being.

Yeah, distillation columns can totally be contented. If you saw a grumpy one, you'd believe me.


  1. Oh I've seen my fair share of grumpy distillation columns. Used to work on the grumpy buggers in a different life...


  2. I agree with what you say and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  3. @arb-- science lends itself to philosophy more often than not, it seems. Also lends itself to getting really, really cranky.

  4. I can think of worse reasons for starting a blog than having a cool title.

    Now, about your profile picture ... those shoes just scare me.

  5. @Leah-- I wiggle my toes in your general direction!

  6. Ohhh I haven't seen a distill. column in a dozen years. dang. I felt old just typing that.

  7. Oh I spent my fair share of time pondering the nature of the universe while I babysat various pieces of lab equipment - some of the samples took hours to run through the machines. Still, I sometimes miss working in that lab...

  8. I'm reminded of the joke about the dead dog, the lab work and the cat scan...
