Thursday, July 29, 2010

[Things I love] The Smell of Morning

Now, don't get me wrong, I won't be up at 4 AM if I have any choice in the matter, but if I have to be up, amid all the grumbling and crankiness, I'm secretly going to be enjoying it. Or maybe not so secretly-- the sniffing at the air with my eyes closed tends to be a bit of a give away.

It starts around 3 AM and lasts until a bit after 5 AM. It smells dewy, fresh, placid, and full of promise. Maybe it's the frolicking bunnies that do it; I don't know. It was my favorite part about delivering papers the summer after high school, which is when I first fell in love with the smell of the wee hours of the morning. Of course, it didn't have much competition.


  1. You'll often find me up at 4am, but only because I have been awake all night and am just thinking about going to bed. *Waking up* at 4am is just plain wrong though!

  2. It's true. Staying up is the slightly less painful way to experience it.

  3. Alas, I am too-often up at 4 AM despite having gone to bed just a few hours earlier.

    It doesn't mean that the quiet hours of the false dawn and then the dawn are not some of the most peaceful and wonderful there are.
