Wednesday, February 20, 2013

JoCo Cruise Crazy 3: Day 0

Last week was my second time on a JoCo Cruise.  You can read more about the cruise and entertainment here.  The information is currently for JCCC3, but will change over to the soon-to-be-announced JCCC4 in due time.  In any case, the idea is the same: 700 geeks go on a boat ride and awesome transpires. 

Owing to unpredictable winter weather, we decided to head to Port Canaveral a day early to ensure that we would not miss the boat.  This turned out to be a good thing for myself and the two friends traveling with me, as the Twin Cities was due to get a snow storm on Saturday night, about 8 hours after our flight out. The timing did make things, however, a little iffy for Jay, who was flying out of Philadelphia the morning after the Blizzard to End All Blizzards was due to hit the Northeast.  Fortunately the foul weather stayed far north of him and we all made it to Orlando in a timely manner. 

By the time we picked up our luggage, I had been in the Orlando Airport for long enough to already be sick of everything Orlando had to offer, all of which seemed to involve over-stimulated, over-tired children.  Which is to say, about 20 minutes. Fortunately, our pre-arranged shuttle was there, and we gleefully hopped on with a few fellow Sea Monkeys, which is how we refer to ourselves in the third person.  We marveled at how easy it was to identify groups of Sea Monkeys amid the chaos at MCO. The nerdy t-shirts, beards, long hair in braids, Five Fingers, and fezzes were pretty good giveaways. 

45 minutes or so until we were at the Radisson in Port Canaveral, which has a pretty fantastic pool.

Water! And it isn't frozen!
Unfortunately, we spent over an hour waiting for our room to be ready, but Jay managed to get the front desk to give us free drinks and breakfast for the wait.  So that was nice.  

And then ice cream headaches happened. Worth  it!
Dinner that night was at the pizza place next door, which actually turned out to have decent food.  I don't remember what I ate.  I was hungry. It was food. I devoured it.  After that, a little hanging out in the hot tub and then off to bed to sleep the fitful sleep of a child on Christmas Eve... 


  1. If you need free drinks gotten, I'm your man.

    FWIW, you forgot to mention the key lime pie at the hotel.

    1. Right, I omitted the whole registering and then there was a conference room with key lime pie and pet oranges. At least that's what I presume they were for, because I carried that orange around the Caribbean for a week.

    2. Just so you know, I'm still judging your poor food choices on the cruise (as I sit waiting for 2nd lunch and rum punch.)

    3. Good. Would you like another 12 sourdough rolls with that?

      Too bad! They're ALL MINE!!!!!


  2. Pet fruit ... ha! I do that, too!

  3. This whole series might be making me sick with jealousy! :)
